Quality time with your toddler in swimming lessons

Quality time with your toddler in swimming lessons

Thinking back to your childhood, how much quality time did you spend doing with your parents? Quality time could entail a family dinner or talking about school and what you learned that day, some quality time could also include fun activities such as a swimming lesson. Jeff Ellis Swimming offers swim lessons for those parents who want to enjoy some quality water time with their toddler. Our first level is Water Exploration and Safety, it takes bonding time to the next level.

Our Water Exploration and Safety class is just that, exploring the water and finding what your child is comfortable with. There's no pressure to preform skills in this level because it’s meant for you and your child to roam through the water with the help of the instructor. Instructors will help you and your child find out what you both like from floating and blowing bubbles to scooping and kicking through the water. This level is for children 2 years old and under but the instructors will work with you to see what level is best.

If you have a toddler ready to do some skills on their own but need you to assist in certain ways the Parent+Preschool is the next level to enroll in. The Parent+Preschool level is instructional and takes it up a notch by demonstrating elementary backstroke which we like to call Monkey, Airplane, Soldier so the children have a visual in their heads when performing the skill. The instructor will also go over front and back floating and incorporate singing songs and dance moves as well to keep your littles interested and occupied during class. You and your child will have the chance to scoop and kick throughout the water focusing on arm movements to pull them throughout the water and also have the opportunity to use different equipment that will help challenge them and feel more independent.

We like to encourage both parents/guardians to come to class and experience class for themselves and also become familiar with their child's behavior in the water. Every child is different and reacts differently to the water but with mom or dad around it makes for a more comfortable atmosphere that we, at Jeff Ellis Swimming, want all children to experience.