CLICK HERE for the latest COVID-19 and facility updates from Jeff Ellis Management.
Jeff Ellis Management Official Statement about COVID-19
Thank you to our aquatic partners for taking precautions and staying safe during these unprecedented times. Remembering that COVID-19 is a serious virus and take into consideration safety for yourself and others around you. We as Jeff Ellis Management, take your facilities safety and the safety of any participants seriously. Please keep in mind that COVID-19 is transmitted through the air and not through water. Please CLICK HERE for more information. Properly maintained swimming pools, hot tubs and spas coupled with social distancing and increased facility cleaning and disinfecting procedures of surfaces outside of the pool work in combination to keep guests and staff safe. Please CLICK HERE for information pertaining to operations, maintenance and Jeff Ellis Swimming.


A list of generally uncommon words with their definitions.

We have put together a glossary of terms from the aquatics industry. Use this glossary as a resource for learning or just to refresh your memory. The search area below will allow you to find out more information about a process, piece of equipment and more!

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Like dehydration, rescue, hypothermia or AED.
Or view the entire glossary.

Term of the day


Also known as:
Synonyms coming soon

A column of 33 vertebrae that extend from the base of the head to the tip of the coccyx (tailbone).

Hand-picked favorites

Not sure where to start? Pick one of our hand-picked favorites.

We find these terms to be a little less common while still holding their importance in the aquatics industry.

You can also help us build our aquatics term library by submitting your own term below and we will inform you when it's posted.

Automated external defibrillator (AED)

Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

Also known as:
Synonyms coming soon

A device that analyzes the heart's rhythm and signals the need to administer an electric shock (defibrillation) to a patient in cardiac arrest.


Also known as:
Synonyms coming soon

The tailbone and last 3 to 4 vertebrae of the spine.

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Help us build our glossary by submitting your aquatics-related term. Include your own definition or we will help define the term and inform you when it is posted.

Featured aquatic terms

Two-lifeguard Rescue

Also known as:
Synonyms coming soon

When two lifeguards work together, combining the front drive and the rear huggie into a "sandwich," to obtain a larger degree of control over difficult guests.

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Biological Death

Also known as:
Synonyms coming soon

The point when body cells and systems being to die, and survival is no longer possible; usually occurring 8 to 10 minutes after circulation stops.

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Also known as:
Synonyms coming soon

An open wound from a scrape that damages the surface of the skin.

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