In addition to balancing chemical levels and making sure all pool equipment is functioning properly, maintaining a clean pool is nearly impossible without brushing, skimming and vacuuming. Such steps should be done regularly throughout the week and that's why it is included in our maintenance services.
Brushing the walls of the pool is a crucial part of keeping algae out of the pool. It is recommended to brush the pool at least twice a week. If you start to notice algae on the walls, the pool isn't being brushed as frequently as it should be. Our staff thoroughly brushes the pool so that algae stays out of sight for you and your guests.
Skimming the pool is a task that should be done daily if you want to maintain a clean pool. When leaves or sticks fall into the pool, using the skim net is the easiest way to remove them. The more debris you remove from the surface of the water, the less your filter has to work. Our team will skim the pool during each scheduled visit.
If you're unable to skim debris out of the pool before it sinks, you will need to vacuum the bottom of the pool. Most automatic vacuums do a great job at picking up debris but in some cases it's best to do it manually. Vacuuming can be slow and tedious, yet it's a necessary step from time to time.
If you want Jeff Ellis Management to take over brushing, skimming and vacuuming at your pool, contact us at (800) 742-8720. Our representatives are standing by to answer any questions you have about pool cleaning and our comprehensive maintenance packages.