Where to Get the Best
Pool Cleaning and Maintenance

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Pool Cleaning Services are more important that you may think!

For many pool owners or operators, Pool Cleaning Service seems to be about keeping the pool looking good. However, pool cleaning and maintenance is about so much more than that. All too often owners and operators fall into a false sense of security about how well their pool is being cleaned and maintained simply because it looks good.

When talking about pools, we encourage our clients and customers to think about their pools as a living and breathing thing like a child, a puppy, or a loved one. Like any of the above, a pool needs constant attention, support, and to be well-fed and cared for. If any of these things do not take place, the pool can quickly begin to show symptoms of illness or will begin to act out. How often are you checking in on your pool and giving it the care it needs? Would you do the same for a child, a puppy, or a loved one? This is why choosing the right pool cleaner is so important.

Pool Cleaning and Maintenance

A Pool Cleaner should care for the whole pool

Pool Cleaning Service goes far beyond what the pool looks like. While this is a good indicator of how that pool is doing in that moment in time, it does not tell you what is going on beneath the surface. For most, simply skimming or vacuuming the pool, along with some minimal chemical tests and additions seems to be enough to keep their pool happy. Until it’s not. Then owners and operators find themselves frantically searching for answers on how to fix their pools, relying on advice from local pool stores or area service companies. Unfortunately, by this time, most are only responding to the symptoms of the problem rather than the problem itself and often waste time, money, and energy trying to find the right solution.

Caring for the whole pool means understanding how the pool lives and breathes every day. This doesn’t mean that all pool operators need to take a CPO course, but if you are interested in learning more, this is a great place to start. To keep a pool well maintained, warranties intact, and to prevent any equipment breakdown or failure, it is important to keep pool chemistry in the proper ranges at all times, and to provide all regular service to pool equipment as recommended by the manufacturer. For some more tips on how to keep your pool clean check out some recommendations from Hayward Pools.

Pool Cleaning and Maintenance

Pool Cleaning Service is aided by Getting the right help; a professional Pool Cleaner

Would you take your child, puppy, or loved one to the first doctor that appeared after a brief internet search, or choose the doctor based off of their price or availability? Unfortunately, this is the approach that far too many people take when choosing their Pool Cleaning Service. When selecting your pool cleaner, it is important to select one with vast industry knowledge and experience. While this may cost a little more money up front, it almost always pays off in the end with savings on equipment and chemical costs, as well as reduced pool problems and closures.

At Jeff Ellis Management we take a full-service approach to caring for your pool, and will treat it like a member of our own family. Our experienced Aquatic Maintenance Professionals have years of industry knowledge and learning and are looking to ensure safe and effective aquatic operations for your pool or pool facility. Our team increases the latest technology and equipment available to care for your pool with a proactive approach, allowing them to see and treat any issues before they may arise, and lengthening the life of your pool and equipment, while reducing the stress and headache for you.

Our Pool Cleaning Services and Maintenance include:

  • Managing your chemical inventory
  • Testing and treating your pool in regular intervals
  • Providing all maintenance within manufacturer guidelines and timetables
  • Keeping your pool clean and well cared for
  • Finding the safest, most efficient way to keep your pool running.

For a list of our full services please visit our website, or contact our Director of Aquatic Maintenance who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Happy Pool Season!