Pool Operations Management
Managing the Pool and Facility

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What is Pool Operations Management?

Pool Operations Management is a term used to describe the management and operation of a full pool facility, sometimes referred to as an aquatic facility. To some, managing pool operations refers to maintaining chemicals and cleanliness, but in fact it is so much more. A Pool or Aquatics Facility Operator is responsible for the entire facility, not just the pool and associated equipment. This includes but is not limited to: locker rooms/bathhouses, air circulation equipment, the deck around the pool, lighting, barriers, and all related security and access. Public and semipublic facilities are subject to two federal laws: The Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Virginia Graeme Baker Act. We can eliminate stress and help you comply with these laws.

Pool Operations Management

Protecting your facility, swimmers, and yourself

When it comes to Pool Operations Management, those that take on the responsibility don’t often understand the amount of responsibility and liability that comes with it. Managing pool operations is about keeping the entire facility safe from the time a person steps foot on the property until they leave. Proper pool operations ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for customers and guests, legal protection for the operator and owners, and in most cases a more efficient way to run the pool. The first step in protecting your facility, your swimmer, and yourself is getting educated. As the old saying goes, you don’t know what you don’t know! To get more information on how to safely run your facility, check out the CDC page on operating public swimming pools.

Pool Operations Management

Pool Operation Management Education

Today there are more resources available than ever to educate you or your staff on proper Pool Operation Management. There are nationally recognized courses like Certified Pool Operator through the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF), and the Aquatics Facility Operator through the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) which are widely available and required by most health codes. These courses are a great place to start, but pool operations management is all about continuing education. Health codes are constantly being updated, new technology is released daily, and as all of these things change, so do the industry standards. While this may seem a little overwhelming, any level of education is better than none, and when in doubt you can always rely on a professional Pool Operations Management company.

At Jeff Ellis Management we have decades of pool operations management experience and are happy to share this knowledge with our clients and customers. Our management services include everything from lifeguards, to cashiers, and of course Aquatics maintenance services. Visit our website to learn more about what JEM has to offer you in the protection of your facility, swimmers, and you! For more information, or with specific questions you can also contact our Director of Aquatic Maintenance.