Learn to Swim Program for Aquatic Facilities
Jeff Ellis Swimming (JES)

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Learn to Swim Basics

If kids and adults would learn to swim and follow aquatic safety rules in and around water, it would help prevent drownings and aquatic accidents.

The key to designing any successful swimming program is:

  1. Flexibility.
  2. Knowing what your community needs.
  3. Determining the best method to supply each individual with the tools to succeed.

Jeff Ellis Swimming uses this concept to provide every community with the tools they need:  we provide an aquatic safety process and learn to swim lessons.

learn to swim basics

Learn to Swim Safety

Jeff Ellis Swimming uses this concept in all our swimming lesson  programs. Our Ellis and Associates clients and Jeff Ellis Management LLC team members always put a strong emphasis on staying safe in all aquatic activities. Safety is paramount in a great learn to swim program.  To ensure safety and to prevent aquatic accidents, Jeff Ellis Swimming programs always include a licensed lifeguard on duty at all times. Incorporated in every learn to swim class are aquatic safety rules so kids and adults know how to behave safely around swimming pools and other aquatic areas.  These WaterSmart Rules are supported by Sophie the Safety Seal, the Jeff Ellis Swimming mascot.

learn to swim basics

Learn to Swim Lessons

We believe every child should sign up for Jeff Ellis learn to swim lessons.  Learning how to swim just makes sense.

We get asked a lot, “Why is swimming or learning how to swim so important?” Our answer is swimming is essential because it is the one sport that can save a child’s life. Knowing how to swim properly will only build confidence in the water and help those participants with progressing through the different levels of swimming and staying safe during any future water activities.

learn to swim lessons

Learn to Swim to Prevent Drownings

The first factor that influences drowning risk is subpar swimming skills. Research indicates that children who receive swimming instruction are less likely to drown or suffer a swimming-related injury. Learning swim lesson safety tips also helps.

According to the World Health Organization, drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death in the world

With 372,000 drowning deaths reported annually! Sadly, drowning is the second leading cause of death in children under the age of 14, and the number one cause of unintentional death in children aged 1-4 years old, according to The Center of Disease Control and Prevention from 2005-2014; there was also an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States… which is about ten deaths per day.

Another factor is lack of supervision. Children are more likely to drown or suffer a swimming-related injury when they are in a pool unsupervised—though a swimming-related death or injury can STILL happen when there is supervision! According to statistics, 77% of those involved in a home drowning accident had been missing for no more than five minutes when they were found in the swimming pool and 70% weren't expected to be in or near the pool at that time.

Remember this: 80% of child drownings happen in front of a parent or guardian. This risk lessens by 88% when a child takes swim lessons.

With our continued mission to introduce children to the water by using Jeff Ellis Swimming lessons, we can drastically reduce these numbers and help keep our children safe and informed when participating in any water activities.

learn to swim lessons

Learn to Swim Levels at Jeff Ellis Swimming

Our JES learn to swim levels include:

  • preschool aged children
  • beginner
  • intermediate
  • advanced

We also include classes for infants and toddlers accompanied by the parent. Swim lessons are fun and build long lasting relationships with others that come to class.  Again, safety is always number one when it comes to any water activities.

Add Jeff Ellis Swimming lessons to your facility today and become a part of the JES mission:  learn to swim to prevent drownings. Simply contact Jem Hughes via email: jem.hughes@jeffellismanagement.com or call 331-210-8630 for more information.