Water Aerobics Can Improve Your Health
Water Aerobics Exercises

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Swimming is the fourth most popular sports activity in the United States and a good way to get a water aerobics workout. Just two and a half hours per week of aerobic activity, such as swimming, bicycling, or running, can decrease the risk of chronic illnesses. This can also lead to improved health for people with diabetes and heart disease.

Water Aerobics

Benefits of Water Aerobics Exercises

Swimmers have about half the risk of death compared with inactive individuals. Participants report enjoying water-based exercise such as water aerobics more than exercising on land. They can also exercise longer in water than on land without increased effort or joint or muscle pain. Due to the buoyancy of the water and the lack of muscle and joint pain, there are many benefits of working out in swimming pools. Not only is it easier to stay cooler in a pool, but also the workout itself has massive perks. Water aerobics a great way to build up cardio endurance. When in cooler water, the blood moves through the body at a faster rate to warm it up. When coupled with an aerobic program the result is an improved cardiovascular performance over time.

Pool and water aerobics also provide a “soft” environment for workouts due to the water and how your joints and muscles respond to it. You never have to worry about falling as the water supports the body in all positions. In addition, flexibility is at a maximum in the water due to the wider range of motion the body can achieve. Someone who has joint or range of motion problems will be able to lesson those problems once they are in the water. Water aerobics exercises or pool workouts can also be a great stress reliever and is also a therapeutic activity. Water aerobics builds your core, adds in cardio, and builds strength. When doing water aerobics in warmer water, the water acts as a massage and relation tool for the body and mind. These calming effects can decrease or even eliminate any pain resulting from the workout itself.

Water Aerobics

Water Aerobics Class

Water aerobics exercises can be done in water that is chest deep or in deep water that in other scenarios would be over the participants head. Due to the resistance of the water, a water aerobics class doesn’t require any additional equipment, though equipment may be desired by participants. The list of benefits for water aerobics goes on and on. If possible, give water aerobics at try, visit https://jeffellismanagement.com/services/swim-classes or it can be added to your existing workout plan to give you an added day of resistance. Learn more information about the benifits of water aerobics.