CLICK HERE for the latest COVID-19 and facility updates from Jeff Ellis Management.
Jeff Ellis Management Official Statement about COVID-19
Thank you to our aquatic partners for taking precautions and staying safe during these unprecedented times. Remembering that COVID-19 is a serious virus and take into consideration safety for yourself and others around you. We as Jeff Ellis Management, take your facilities safety and the safety of any participants seriously. Please keep in mind that COVID-19 is transmitted through the air and not through water. Please CLICK HERE for more information. Properly maintained swimming pools, hot tubs and spas coupled with social distancing and increased facility cleaning and disinfecting procedures of surfaces outside of the pool work in combination to keep guests and staff safe. Please CLICK HERE for information pertaining to operations, maintenance and Jeff Ellis Swimming.

Beginner Swim Class

Beginner class at Village of Grayslake Esper A Petersen Family Aquatic Center

Village of Grayslake Esper A Petersen Family Aquatic Center

June 25th, 2018 to July 5th, 2018

10:00am to 10:45am

Class Days: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu

Registration deadline: June 22nd, 2018

Class # 3552
Class Level: Beginner
Price: $75.00
Open to the public
This class is for the beginner swimmer and requires no prior experience. Skills taught in this level include front and back floats, front and back glides, elementary backstroke, front crawl, backstroke, and pool safety. Some of the requirements to pass this level are that the student must swim 25 yards of front crawl, backstroke, and elementary backstroke.
Instructor Comments: $75 Member Rate/ $100 Non-Member Rate

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Registration for this class is closed!