Transforming a class of individuals during lifeguard training into well-rounded lifeguards is no easy task. Lifeguard training consists of lifesaving skills, simulated emergencies, and requires a passion and drive to prevent drownings from both the instructor and the lifeguard candidates. Throughout the lifeguard training course, both the instructor and lifeguard candidates should feel confident in their ability to prevent drownings. Lifeguarding is a very rewarding job that should not be taken lightly. If you think you’re up for the challenge, join our team today!
Lifeguard Training Courses
The International Lifeguard Training Program (ILTP) has set the standard for the aquatic safety industry and gives the necessary tools for lifeguard candidates to be successful after completion. Lifeguard training sets students up for success to anticipate and prevent aquatic emergencies by continuously being tested and drilled. Preventing aquatic emergencies begins with scanning the water continuously by following the 10/20 protection standard which gives lifeguards 10 seconds to see every part of their “zone” and an additional 20 seconds to reach a guest in distress and begin rendering aid. Throughout lifeguard training students will be put to the test to determine if they can actively prevent drownings.
In the lifeguard training course, students will learn how to perform basic life support care including CPR, first aid, and utilizing equipment such as supplemental oxygen and an AED. Lifeguard candidates will also learn how to identify and rescue a guest in distress. The skills taught in lifeguard training enforce responsibility, discipline, and customer service skills.
Lifeguard Training In-Service
Lifeguard training requires the ability to be open minded and have a “big picture” mentality. Real life scenarios rarely happen exactly as practiced in lifeguard training. Focusing on technical details can be overwhelming for students in the learning process. In-service training is a great time to focus on details and help lifeguards work more effectively with their facility’s team. The initial lifeguard training course serves as a foundation. But lifeguard skills and continual practice will be built upon during in-service training and on the job experience. After successful completion of lifeguard training, lifeguards are expected to work on their skills by attending in-service training for a minimum of four hours per month. In-service training keeps technical skills at a test-ready level to ensure the best outcome during an aquatic emergency.
Lifeguard Training Prevents Drowning
Lifeguard candidates can sometimes lose track of the main focus of being a lifeguard - preventing drownings. Many hours in class are spent on technical skills and preparing for test outs; however, it is just as important to keep in mind that drownings are 100% preventable. Scanning activities and drills throughout class help keep the main focus and goal from being overshadowed. Lifeguard training is an essential part of a safe pool environment.
Lifeguard Training Near Me?
Looking for lifeguard training near me? Because our lifeguard training courses are offered by many aquatic facilities all over the nation, there is sure to be one near you.
Have a look at where our lifeguard training courses are offered by clicking here.